The OneStop Rail Tagging and Release service allows users to notify the terminals that they wish to move their container cargo by rail. All cargo that is not tagged for rail is moved by road.
The Rail Tagging and Release service is designed for:
shipping lines.
inter-modal rail terminals.
importers, freight forwarders and agents.
However, use of the service by rail terminal operators, importers, freight forwarders and agents require permission from the shipping lines.
Shipping lines require permission from the terminals to allow users to tag via OneStop Rail Tagging and Release service.
The Rail Tagging and Release process has two stages, as follows
Rail Tagging- Container Tagging
Before container discharge, approved users can search and ‘tag’ their containers for rail with details including departure terminal, destination and rail terminal. This advises the terminals to move the tagged containers to the Rail Stack upon discharge.
Containers can be tagged by an importer, agent, freight forwarder, inter-modal terminal or rail operator approved to use this service, provided that the container has not already been tagged by another user. Shipping lines can tag their own containers.
Rail Release - Container Release
Before tagged containers are released, they must be matched with the commercial release number, an Electronic Import Delivery Order (EIDO) Personal Identification Number (PIN) for that container. Simply search for a tagged container, enter and validate the EIDO PIN and submit to terminal.
The container must be tagged and accepted by relevant terminal before it can be released.
Options for Use
OneStop offers users two options for using the Rail Tagging and Release service; that is, either by EDI (XML) or online via the OneStop website. Please refer to our website for XML Message Specifications. This guide provides help for the web screens only