Choose ‘Search’ under ‘PRA’ in the blue bar on the left of the screen.
Fill in the details of your PRA on the PRA – Search screen and click ‘Search’;
Select the ‘Timezone’ from the dropdown.
The 'Date Range' is automatically populated and set to 7 days range .These dates can be modified but must be supplied before a search can be done.
Optional Search Filters:
Select ‘Status’ from the dropdown. Dropdown options include ACCEPTED, DRAFT, PENDING, REJECTED, and SENT.
Select ‘Terminal’ from the dropdown.
Enter ‘Shippers Reference’ of the target PRAs to search.
Enter ‘Container number’ of the target PRAs to search.
- Check ‘Company Wide PRA Search’ checkbox to search for PRAs created by different subsidiaries in your organisation.
- Note that by default, users are able to search own created PRAs as well as PRAs created by users from their subsidiary.
- Check 'Search in Archive' checkbox to search for archived PRAs.