What is ComPay?
ComPay is an online payments and invoice service designed specifically for the freight and logistics community. Our members include leading international shipping lines, multinational 3PLs, freight forwarders, customs brokers, road carriers and terminal operators.
ComPay delivers real time payment notification, invoice presentation, reconciliation, batch processing and comprehensive reporting. Both the payer and payee benefit from process efficiencies and significant cost savings.
With ComPay you can:
- make EIDO payments to shipping lines;
- pay storage fees directly to terminals;
- pay for any invoice;
- receive invoices directly into your ComPay account;
- pay from a bank account or credit card;
- receive credit card payments from non-ComPay members; and
- receive accounts payable and receivable reports.
Key benefits of ComPay include:
- reduced transaction costs to payee and payer;
- elimination of courier charges;
- elimination of cheques;
- real time payments with remittance advice sent as soon as payment is authorised;
- increased process efficiencies;
- cash flow transparency; and
- reduced bank fees.
ComPay registration is free and OneStop provides 24-hour, 7-day support.
Who uses ComPay?
ComPay is used by all sectors of the supply chain, including shipping lines, carriers, importers, exporters, freight forwarders, customs brokers, container terminals, and container parks and depots.
Terms of Use
ComPay Terms and Conditions appear at the beginning of the Registration process. We advise you to print these out and read them carefully.
Customer System Requirements
To use OneStop services, customers need:
- 1GHz CPU and above;
- 1GB RAM minimum; and
- a printer for report printing (where required).
Operating system
OneStop services are compatible with any operating system with web browser capability. However, Internet Explorer for Windows is the recommended configuration. Functionality may be limited in other browser environments.
Customers need:
- Internet Explorer Version 7 and above (on Windows operating system); and
- an email account with HTML capability for receiving acknowledgements and EIDO responses.
You need:
- internet access (we recommend ADSL or higher; a satellite is recommended for rural users); and
- email SMTP communications.