Modal Invoicing enables the generation of invoices, manual credit and debit creation, application of manual charges, and generation of necessary billing files for import into various invoicing systems. The module streamlines the process effectively, ensuring reliability and efficiency while maintaining a user-friendly approach.
Process Steps:
Step 1: How to generate invoices.
- After logging in, select Invoicing > Generate Invoices:
- Select the correct invoice frequency from the Invoice Frequency dropdown menu:
- Then, select an option from Invoice Configs. The system will only allow you to select one invoice type at a time for invoice generation. You can also select your invoice generation period by selecting the appropriate date range.
- You can then select GENERATE:
- Note: Users can only generate one invoice type at a time.
- You will prompted to confirm the generation, select YES to continue. Doing this will trigger an automatic validation checks against the customers tariff that would have been set up in the system prior to this process. You will then be presented with a green notification that reflects a successful generation.
- You will then be presented with a green notification that reflects a successful generation.
The grid to the right contains two tabs:
- Unbilled: Displays all containers and service items for the selected date range that are yet to be invoiced
- Charge Item Errors: Displays containers with invoice errors that require rectifying. Details can be found within the Error Description field.
- Credit Item Review: Allows you to search for Credit Items according to specified date range
- Add Tab: Allows the use to create a new filter.
- CSV – Downloads a CSV file of all the row items within the grid.
- SEND PDF – Enables you to send a PDF version on your company letterhead to an email address through the pop-up window. The default email address will appear and then select OK.
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Downloads a PDF version to your PC.
- REGENERATE - Will re-run the generation process (refer to 2.2.1 for more details) for the invoice that you are currently in
- CONFIRM – This confirms all details within the invoice and changes the status from Draft to Confirmed. Important to note, the DELETE DRAFT button will no longer be available once the CONFIRM button is selected. A new button will then appear, FINALISE.
Additional references:
How to add manual charges and generate billing file in Modal
How to view and action Modal generated invoices
How to create a Modal manual invoice (Credit)
How to create a Modal manual invoice (Debit)
Procedure for generating MNR (Maintenance & Repair) Specialized Report