If an MSIC application is declined by Auscheck, in some circumstances, the applicant can apply for a discretionary MSIC. This card is subject to conditions stipulated by the Aviation and Maritime Security (AMS) and they will email us an approval letter which outlines the conditions of the card. The Service Desk will receive these emails into Zendesk (as tickets) and follow the steps below to complete the approval so the card can be sent for printing.
1) The Ticket will normally have the subject "Notice of Decision..." and requester will be idsecurity@homeaffairs.gov.au. The ticket will look like this:
Make sure to check all the requirements listed in the letter Prior to the issue of MSIC
Do not issue the card , until all the requirements are fulfilled by the applicant .
2) To update the ticket fields, you will need to first locate the applicant's card number by searching for them by name in MSIC >> Edit Applicant. Note down the card number against the correct application (Ensure the date of birth matches the one on the letter also), it will be in the status 'Reviewed by Auscheck' like this one:3) Next, complete the following in the ticket view:
Update the Subject: add the product "MSIC -" to the beginning and the card number obtained above to the end
- Apply the Macro: Use 'LDISCRETIONARYAPPROVAL' and this will assign the ticket to you and complete the rest of the fields on the left-hand side of the ticket view.
4) Login to the Auscheck (login details can be found in 1Password) and check if they have processed the approval on their side
5) Go to Search Card and enter the card number, then click the Search button. Once the result appears, take note of the Card Status
- If the card status is 'Pending' you will need to wait for Auscheck to process the approval before you can proceed. Set a reminder for tomorrow in your Outlook so you can check then.
- If the card status is 'To be Issued' proceed to step 6
6) Click on the card number in the search results and take note of the Card Sub Type and Card Expiry7) Next, go to Card Activities > Change Card Status. Enter the card number and click the Search button. If you get the green confirmation banner, the record is able to be modified, click the Next button. Change the status from 'To Be Issued' to 'Issued' and click the Next button again check the details, then click the Submit button. You will get another green confirmation banner if the change is successful
8) In our MSIC system, go to Pending List >> Discretionary Approvals in and enter the card number, then click the Find button. When the result appears, enter the following, then click the Save button:
a)Ticket number
b) Application Decision Date: This needs to be Card Expiry minus two/four years, depending on what they have applied for (Card Sub Type from Auscheck)
c) Card Expiry: This MUST MATCH the Card expiry from Auscheck9) To confirm that it has processed successfully, look up the applicant in Users >>Edit Applicant. The status should now be 'Auscheck/DoTaRs Conditional Approval' and the expiry date should match what you have entered. You will also need to go to the Auscheck tab at the bottom of the screen and ensure the Card Printing Approval has been successful
10) Reply to AMS (via the Zendesk ticket) confirming that the approval has been processed and the card will be sent to the applicant's nominated post office in 5-10 business days
11) Submit the ticket as SOLVED with the following resolution details:
- Resolution: Educated/Actioned for Customer
Internal Note:
- Task: Discretionary Approval
- Action/Steps: Marked card as issued in Auscheck and application as approved in MSIC system, advised AMS
- Document/KB: (link to this page)