To view all the products that you have access to, click on the 'Products' box or from the 'Services' menu item on the left.
You'll see a list of registered products as well as other products that you haven't subscribed to yet.
What the column headings mean:
- ‘Allocated Users’ - shows how many licenses are being used by people in your organisation.
If you want to find out who is using a service, go to the 'Users' section in the Self Service home. Refer to the page 'How to view existing users' for further details.
- ‘Active’ - A tick here means that the product is active.
- ‘Available Since' and ‘Available to’ - shows the duration of your subscription.
The ‘Available to’ date lets you know when your subscription is due for renewal.
- ‘Billing Address’ - this tells us to use either your PRIMARY or SECONDARY address as your billing address
- 'Action' - depending on the product that this link appears next to, you can do certain things. For example, in the above illustration, the Edit link lets you add more facilities for VBS. You can also update payment details by clicking on the "Edit" link. This link will be available to applicable products only.
If you want to change anything else here, please contact our Service Desk.
To register for new product, click on the "Register" link of the of the desired product below. We'll ask you to enter some additional details (if required) to complete the registration for the new product.