If the removal notice has been sent to ACS in error or the Cargo is now being Exported instead of being re-delivered from the terminal, the CTOREM can be withdrawn.
The following reports are available to users with CTO access. If the user have trouble with their access please see User Access Support.
Step 1: Perform the Steps in Sending CTO Removal Notice
Kindly review the steps on How to Send CTO Removal Notice and make sure that the status of the line is 'Removal Notice sent: PENDING' to withdraw.
Step 2: Select the line to Withdraw
Select the CTO Removal Notice and click ‘Unremove’ button to withdraw.
When ‘Unremove’ is selected this warning screen will appear. Select OK if the user wish to proceed to submit to the ACS.
The user will see the below notification on the top right corner of the screen if the CTO Removal Notice is withdrawn.
The status of the line will be changed to 'Removal Notice withdraw: PENDING'.
Once a CLEAR response is received from the ACS for this report, the cargo is considered available for Loading.